Ten Phrases That Make People Spend Money

Let’s put it this way. Words matter. How you phrase things can be the make or break it reason for somebody to press buy. That’s truly what the purpose of every business dwindles down to right, to make sales? So what are the ten phrases that make people spend money? Before we get to them we need to first understand the impact words can make on your customer. 

Defining your brand voice creates an impact on the way your customers see and feel about your brand. When you know how to use your words to convert (please keep in mind convert and manipulate are two different things), then you can easily increase your sales.

Know Who You’re Writing To

The first thing to note is that you will always sell better if you have your ideal client avatar defined. Know who you’re selling to so that you know that whatever your product or service is, they will benefit from it.

Need to define your ICA, click here for an exercise.

Choosing the right words will allow your customers to see themselves with your product or service making them want it more. Written words allow you to connect with them, speak directly to them in their language, resonate with them, discuss their pain points, and really build relationships that prove your business is where they should invest their dollar bills. 

The Ten Phrases That Make People Spend Money

  • Free.

So why would the word free make somebody want to spend? Kind of controversial right? Think about it. When you tell a customer they get something for FREE from you, you’re immediately making them believe (and typically are giving them) something extra, something they maybe didn’t know they needed but really want it now. So when your offer is for example, spend $10 get X for free, they’re much more likely to 

  • Last Chance.

If someone knows they won’t have another opportunity to get that specific item, they’re more likely to grab it in the moment. Nobody wants to think about it later, go back, and to have the item sold out. Have you ever had that happen? It’s not fun.

  • Exclusive.

Oh yes. Items that are exclusive are a must have for many customers especially if they’re already existing customers. Make exclusive collections or exclusive offers and you’re bound to convert.

  • Limited Edition.

Just like above, this can promote a feeling of exclusivity. If they have this item, no one else will be able to get the same one later on. It’s a one time opportunity, so shop now. 

  • Buy One Get One. 

This could be followed with free, a percent off, or even a separate item. Either way, it guarantees your customer to spend money but also get a bonus in return. 

  • Imagine If.

This is how you can put them in a scenario that they dream to be in. Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and you no longer had to worry about X… well we can make that happen. 

  • Premium.

Everyone wants to be better than the rest, at least by a little bit. They want the new cell phone, the best headphones, the nicest quality clothes for their babies, and toys that guarantee education, not just distraction. So when you’re the premium brand, you are above the others. 

  • Sale. 

In reality, something on sale doesn’t save a customer money if they’re buying something they didn’t need right? Yet it’s still the word that converts customers from thinking about it to buying it easiest. When something is on sale it makes them feel like they must have it, can’t leave without it because it’s a deal they may not get again. 

  • Gift. 

Everyone likes gifts right? Especially around the holidays, gifts are the best way to pull in new customers and reward existing customers. You can gift something custom that’s not even on your site so that they can only get it by shopping/buying something else. 

  • Reward.

Rewards program, they’re enticing. How many times have you bought Starbucks because they’re doing a triple points day? In reality, you could’ve made coffee at home that day, but those reward points pulled you in to spend money that day. Win/win for both business and customer. 

There you have it, ten phrases that make people spend money. Now get to writing and share with us what phrases you’ll be using for your next promotion. 


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