What Pandemic Means for the Online Space

If you haven’t made your way online yet, it’s time to get readjusted. The truth is, our world is no longer becoming digital, our world now IS digital. All parts of life now depend on online capabilities. Need to buy groceries? Perfect. There’s an app for that. Want to attend a concert? Great. Sit on your couch, put in the blue lightbulbs, and let the music come to you. Growing your biz? Hop online and get to messaging. Bonus points for voice memos.

Here’s the thing, you need to accept this new way of life, and I’m not referring to masks on. I’m referring to working remote, video calls, and your fingers on that little black box in your hands. If you’re a business owner or wanting to become one, here are three things you need to be doing.

  1. Showing up on social media platforms. If you’re just starting, choose one to master instead of spreading yourself thin.

  2. Building your community. Comment, like, DM, form relationships because relationships lead to sales. Cold posts don’t.

  3. Know the trends and current events so you can stay on top of them. You don’t want to miss the boat when it’s taking off!

The pandemic has caused a whirlwind and tragedy but it’s also allowed for a chance to reset and restructure. This is your chance to make your move, are you gonna take it? DM me and let me know, would love to chat about it.


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