Why Your Business Needs Pinterest

So you’ve mastered Instagram (or maybe you just don’t know what else to do on it) and you’re ready to test out another platform. Pinterest has been hovering in your mind, but you’re just not sure if that’s the right move for your business. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Pinterest has 454 MILLION users monthly

  • 83% of weekly pinners have made a purchase from brands they saw on Pinterest (hello, don’t you want them to shop from you?)

  • Nearly half of Pinterest users have an average household income of $100k (meaning they have money to spend)

Here’s something that you really need to focus on as well. How does Instagram make you feel? Sometimes, it doesn’t always evoke a positive response, it tends to make people compare themselves and even fall into a heavy mindset. Pinterest on the other hand did a survey that resulted in 8 out of 10 users saying they felt positive when using the platform.

When someone feels good, they are more likely to connect with the content that they see and shop because of a positive feeling rather than a negative.

Pinterest for business is a must, especially product based businesses. If you’re starting to plan your content for this platform keep in mind that it takes time to climax, approximately 17 days for a pin to hit its peak. You won’t see immediate results but everything worthwhile takes time so keep posting. Ideally you want to repin at least 10 times daily and post original content five times weekly. The more the better but just like any platform, quality over quantity.


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