How to Stop Overthinking Captions

Another morning, you wake up and your mind starts spinning, what the heck do I post about? Will they even care? How do I add value? The real question you need to ask yourself… how do I stop overthinking captions?

I get it, it’s stressful. Writing something up, hoping you get 10% of your followers to engage, a few shares, maybe some saves. You want it to do WELL but you’re not sure it will resonate so you sit there wasting time thinking about how to make it just right.

Here’s the thing, the real answer to stop overthinking captions is… stop thinking so much. (Huh?)

Allow me to explain. A caption is just another piece of writing we post on the internet, it should have a purpose: value, education, connection, etc. but it does not have to be 100% amazing every single time. That’s just too much pressure.

5 reasons to stop overthinking captions:

  1. Remember, nobody will really remember. The truth is… people read through your captions and forget about them seven seconds later. Why? Because our attention span just isn’t that long anymore. What they will remember is that valuable nugget of gold that you dropped in there that will help them grow their business, change their lifestyle, etc.

  2. Perfection is really an excuse for uncertainty. We always say we need things to be “perfect,” well guess what, perfect is a lie. Nothing will ever be perfect and the more we overthink it, the more we allow self doubt to sink in.

  3. If you know the information, someone else will be interested in it too. The reality is, if you come up with an idea and it means something to you, it’s likely that it will mean something to your audience too. There’s a reason you held onto that knowledge right? So share it. The more you share, the more you’ll find out if others care.

  4. Preparation is key. If you prepare your captions in advance and schedule out your content, you’ll really stress less and believe in your work more. Practice doing monthly brain dump sessions, extracting the great ideas, turning them into captions, and getting them ready to go for monthly posts. That way you have no excuses and no reason not to feel good about what you’re putting out there.

  5. If your caption solves a problem (any problem), it’s good enough. Ask yourself, “does it solve a problem,” if yes, go ahead and post. If no, think, what is the goal from this caption and what do I want the reader to take away from it. Once you have that answer, you’re ready to release it into the world.

Oftentimes business owners who enter the digital world get intimidated by social media because it’s a tough space to navigate. But it doesn’t really have to be and if processes can be streamlined, the pressure gets reduced.

Looking for more support when writing? Need to really stop overthinking captions?

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