How to Define Your Ideal Customer

One question we ask every new customer is if they have their ideal client defined. Oftentimes the answer is “well I think so”, or “yes, but…” so then we take them into a full activity to narrow it down. 

The better you define your ideal customer, the quicker you’ll grow, and the stronger of a brand you will build. It’s important to know who you’re selling to so you’re not wasting your time or marketing dollars speaking to the wrong people.

Here’s a guide of questions to define your ideal customer.

  1. What’s their age [range]? 

  2. Single or married?

  3. What’s their gender? 

  4. Where do they live? Location matters more if you have a brick & mortar store but even if you’re online only, it can help with targeting.

  5. Where do they shop? Walmart or Target, it matters. 

  6. What’s their occupation (and what’s their income)? 

  7. Where do they get their information? It’s a must to know where they spend their time online so you know whether to put your focus on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

  8. What keeps them up at night… and how can you solve their problem?

One more thing to remember, oftentimes you tend to be similar to your ideal customer. It’s a good exercise to answer these questions about yourself as well, see what lines up and what doesn’t. 


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