How to Find Your Zone of Genius

Zone of genius: Your specialty, superpower, the one thing nobody could take from you because you’re damn good at it.

So how do you find yours and grow with it? That’s the real question, one that took me a while to answer but changed everything when the light sparked.

Here’s what you need to think about.

What do you always get compliments for (your paintings, your writing, comedic skills)?

What can you start doing and never stop? Me, writing and social media/brand development.

Do you have a non business skill or passion that could be warped into one? For example, you love playing instruments but you’re not an entertainer. No problem. Can you teach others? Can you write song notes and lyrics?

The closer you get to your zone of genius, the more spark you’ll feel to keep going. That’s truly the reason I do what I do. The more backend insight and creation I can produce for a business owner, the more they can excel and stay in their zone.

CLICK to grab your checklist of questions to get you closer to your answer.


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